Mumbai: Indian entertainment industry’s controversial personality Rakhi Sawant, now known as Fatima after accepting Islam in 2022, began the New Year 2025 on a spiritual note by performing her second Umrah. Videos and pictures of Rakhi from the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah went viral online.
In one of the clips from Madinah, Rakhi shared, “The world is celebrating New Year, and we are here on a pilgrimage. It’s heartwarming to start my New Year with this spiritual journey. I believe 2025 will be amazing because I began it with Umrah. People are praying, and I am praying for all my friends and those in need. It’s so peaceful to see everyone performing their Umrah with devotion and peace.”
The actress, who performed her first Umrah in August 2023, is now making headlines for a noble initiative. In a heartfelt announcement shared on Instagram, Rakhi revealed her plans to send 15 to 20 underprivileged people on Umrah, specifically those who cannot afford it. She has partnered with a Dubai-based travel agency for this mission.
In her video, Rakhi said, “Assalamualaikum, hello everyone. I, Rakhi Sawant, also known as Fatima, want to start this year by doing something good. We don’t know when our life will end, so I wish to help those who cannot afford to visit the holy Kaabah and Madinah Sharif, whether they are from India, Pakistan, or elsewhere.”
Check out her video below.