Mumbai: Anushka Sharma, the popular Bollywood actress, created a lot of buzz when she arrived back in Mumbai with her new baby boy Akaay Kohli. The joyous occasion was met with excitement by fans and paparazzi alike. After giving birth to Akaay in London, Anushka kept details about her son private, leading to much speculation.
On Tuesday (April 16th) morning, Anushka arrived in Mumbai with Akaay and their daughter Vamika. Although she didn’t show Akaay’s face to the public, there was something she did exclusively for the paparazzi present at the airport. She showed them her son’s face but asked them not to take any pictures. Anushka assured them that she would give them a chance to photograph her without the children another time.
A photo of Anushka holding a newborn close to her arms is going viral on social media claiming that it is Akaay with her. However, we did a little fact-check and found that it was an old picture of Anushka holding Vamika. The paparazzi did not click Akaay as per Anushka’s request.
The Instagram post shared by Viral Bhayani was captioned, “Anushka Sharma gave an exclusive sneak peek of the baby to the paps at the airport and also promised to meet soon for a get-together. She will pose herself, but not when the kids are around.”
The paparazzi have shared the exciting news on social media, and fans are eagerly waiting for more glimpses of the adorable Akaay. Meanwhile, Anushka’s husband, Indian cricketer Virat Kohli, is still playing for RCB in the ongoing IPL 2024 season. Despite RCB’s tough performance, Virat is staying strong – he’s been seen showing his frustration and disappointment during matches.
Anushka Sharma reveals son Akaay’s face at airport
Anushka being back in India just adds to the excitement even more and fans hope to see more heartwarming family moments soon.
Anushka’s Work Front
Apart from her family commitments, Anushka Sharma is gearing up for her acting comeback. She will be seen in the sports film ‘Chakda Xpress’ a biopic based on former Indian women’s cricket team player, Jhulan Goswami. The film is set to release on Netflix and marks Anushka’s return to the silver screen after her last appearance in Zero back in 2018.