Mumbai: India celebrated Raksha Bandhan on August 30 and 31 this year. We also saw many celebrity siblings celebrating this occasion in a beautiful way and also shared heartfelt moments on social media. TV actor Shoaib Ibrahim too celebrated Raksha Bandhan with his sister Saba Ibrahim and cousins (Rehaan and Riza).
In his latest YouTube vlog, Shoaib gave a sneak peek into their family’s festive celebrations. While the festivities were a treat for the eyes, what truly stole the spotlight were the extravagant gifts Shoaib carefully selected for his sisters.
The video captured a heartwarming moment as Shoaib headed to a branded jewelry store, where he purchased an expensive diamond set for Saba and a pair of elegant earrings for Riza, marking a memorable and lavish Raksha Bandhan celebration.
On the work front, Shoaib Ibrahim is currently busy with his show Ajooni.