Mumbai: Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, one of India’s most-loved celebrity couples, are making headlines after a video showing their son Akaay’s face went viral. The couple welcomed Akaay in February 2024 and have kept him and their daughter Vamika away from the media to protect their privacy.
The video, taken at a private airport in Mumbai, showed Anushka holding Akaay in her arms. Fans were thrilled to see the adorable chubby toddler, with many calling him cuter than Taimur and nicknaming him Golgappa. The clip spread quickly online, drawing attention and love from fans but also raising concerns about respecting the family’s privacy.
Click here to watch the leaked video.
Earlier, Virat and Anushka visited Vrindavan with both children to seek blessings from Premanand Maharaj Ji. Videos from their visit also went viral, showing the family enjoying a spiritual moment. The Maharaj praised the couple for their devotion to God, highlighting Virat’s impact on the nation and Anushka’s influence on his spiritual journey.
Despite the love for their kids, Virat and Anushka have often requested the public and media not to share pictures of their children. They want Vamika and Akaay to grow up without the pressures of fame.