Mumbai: Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan faced a terrifying incident on January 15 when an attacker entered his Bandra apartment late at night. The intruder climbed to the 12th floor and stabbed Saif six times during a confrontation. Saif’s son Ibrahim rushed him to Lilavati Hospital, where doctors performed surgery. The actor is now recovering.
The attacker was first spotted by the family’s nanny, who raised the alarm. Saif confronted the intruder but was injured in the struggle. Two staff members were also hurt during the chaos.
Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat Under Threat
A day before the attack, police believe the same individual attempted to break into Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat. CCTV footage shows the suspect trying to climb the wall with a large iron ladder.
Police suspect the attacker wasn’t acting alone, as the ladder was too heavy for one person. Fortunately, Mannat’s strong security prevented any break-in.
Mumbai Police are investigating both incidents and have formed 20 teams to track down the suspect. Officers are studying CCTV footage from both locations and questioning potential witnesses. A suspect has been detained and is being questioned about his possible involvement.
Bollywood Stars’ Safety Concerns
These incidents have raised serious questions about the safety of Bollywood celebrities. While Shah Rukh Khan hasn’t filed a complaint, the police are taking the matter seriously.