Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is back with Sky Force, a thrilling movie based on real events from the Indo-Pak war of 1965. Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur, the film highlights the bravery of Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya, a war hero who sacrificed his life for the nation. Alongside Akshay, the movie stars Veer Pahariya in his debut role, Nimrat Kaur, and Sara Ali Khan.
To attract more audiences, the makers have introduced massive ticket discounts. Hyderabadis can now watch Sky Force almost for free! By using promo codes like FLYHIGH500, viewers can book tickets for just Rs. 25-50 on platforms like PVR and INOX. For example, a Rs. 225 ticket can be booked for Rs. 26 after applying the code.
Ticket prices in Hyderabad start at Rs 150 and go up to Rs 450 for recliner seats. Thanks to these offers, most people only need to pay a small convenience fee. This strategy aims to fill theaters and boost word-of-mouth buzz for the movie.
While these discounts are great for viewers, they also highlight Bollywood’s current struggle to bring audiences back to cinemas. Despite the Republic Day holiday and the film’s patriotic theme, the low ticket prices suggest that Sky Force needs extra help to draw crowds.
Whether this tactic helps Sky Force succeed or not, one thing is certain—moviegoers in Hyderabad are in for a budget-friendly cinematic experience this weekend!